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Campus Living

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Information for Parents

The Campus / Community Coalition and local Colleges believe that as a parent/guardian you should know what is going on with your student while at college.

Parent Primer on Talking about Alcohol PDF (courtesy of Marist)

Quick Tips

  • Talk to your student-Listen carefully to what they say
  • Be a good role model
  • Be honest
  • Create an open environment
  • Express your feelings on what you expect from your student while at college
  • Bring up the issue of drinking
  • Offer answers and information when asked
  • Encourage your student to get involved in student organizations and community service opportunities
  • If your student shares with you that he/she is under pressure to drink, offer suggestions to help them fight the pressure:
    • Arrive late and leave early
    • Arrive with a soft drink in your hand, and never leave it unattended
    • Volunteer to be the designated driver
    • Attend events with non-drinking friends and support other's choice to not drink
    • Avoid friendships with people who are heavy drinkers

What to Do If You Think Your Student Has a Problem

  • Talk to your student about changes in behavior / grades
  • Call or visit Health Services
  • Contact the Counseling Center
  • Contact the Resident Director
  • Contact the Mentor

Local Colleges' Alcohol-Drug Policies that Apply to Your Student

Related Information