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Safety and Security

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Emergency Response

澳门六合彩app urges all faculty, staff and students to report all emergencies. The college partners with a variety of public and private agencies to supplement our emergency response needs. When crimes, dangerous situations, or other unusual events occur, the College is committed to disseminating timely and accurate information to the community.


All buildings on campus are equipped with fire protection devices and are monitored 24 hours a day. The College is inspected annually by the NYS Office of Fire Prevention and Control and all buildings are in compliance with New York State fire codes. The Office of Safety and Security conducts periodic fire drills in all buildings. The Fairview Fire Department, located about one mile from the College, responds to all alarms and is in communication with our officers via the College's radio network.

Blue Lights

The campus is equipped with 32 "Blue Light" emergency phones located in parking lots throughout the campus. Officers perform lock-out and jump-start services for students and staff. "Lost and Found" items are held at the Security Office until claimed.

SNAP (Student Nighttime Auxiliary Patrol)

The College has a successful, student-run, campus-wide escort service called SNAP (Student Nighttime Auxiliary Patrol) to walk students from building to building during the hours of darkness. When the student escort service is not on duty, the security officers perform the escort function. In addition, due to the increased size of the campus, the Security Office is also utilizing SNAP employees to assist students, faculty, and staff with mobility impairments by providing golf cart escorts. The term 鈥渕obility impaired鈥 refers to a broad range of disabilities, both permanent and temporary, that may cause individuals to rely on assistive devices, such as wheelchairs, walkers, or crutches. Rides are provided to and from the parking lots, residence halls, and academic buildings and can be arranged by calling the Security Dispatcher at 845-575-3282. The hours of operation are subject to change, so please call to verify availability.

Safety Materials

The Office of Safety and Security also produces and distributes several brochures in regard to Fire Safety, Personal Safety, and information on tenants' rights and crime prevention for off-campus students residing in rented apartments in the community. The Director and Assistant Director also meet with and make presentations to the student government and other student groups.

Local Enforcement

澳门六合彩app maintains a long-standing, working relationship with the police agencies that service the College and the surrounding area. They are: the Town and City of Poughkeepsie Police Departments, The Dutchess County Sheriff's Office, the New York State Police and the Investigation Section of the NYS Alcohol Beverage Control Board. Criminal investigations that involve college students as either crime victims or suspects are coordinated through the Security Office. The Office of Safety and Security meets with and shares with these agencies information of interest such as flyers announcing off-campus parties that include the dissemination of alcoholic beverages. Part of our pro-active approach is to notify the agency that then sends an officer to the party site prior to the event and reviews with the host the legal and ethical responsibilities of hosting said event. Agencies readily send officers to College events such as career days, our annual Wellness Fair, and to address small student groups on various law enforcement and crime prevention topics. Several officers from various departments serve as members of our faculty teaching College courses on a part-time basis. The College, in cooperation with these agencies, also hosts a variety of seminars that bring together law enforcement officers and other human services providers to the campus. These seminars are open to the students at no cost.

Responding to a Fire

Cooking fires are the primary cause of home fires and home fire injuries. The majority of cooking equipment fires start with the ignition of common household items (i.e., wall coverings, paper or plastic bags, curtains, etc.)

Safety Tips:

  • Never leave food cooking on the stovetop unattended, and keep a close eye on food cooking inside the oven.
  • Keep cooking areas clean and clear of combustibles (i.e. potholders, towels, rags, drapes and food packaging).
  • Wear short, close fitted or tightly rolled sleeves when cooking. Loose clothing can dangle onto stove burners and catch fire.
  • Never use a wet oven mitt, as it presents a scald danger if the moisture in the mitt is heated.
  • If there is a microwave fire, keep the door closed and unplug the microwave. Food cooked in a microwave can be dangerously hot. Remove the lids or other coverings from microwaved food carefully to prevent steam burns.
  • Always keep a potholder, oven mitt and lid handy. If a small grease fire starts in a pan, put on an oven mitt and smother the flames by carefully sliding the lid over the pan. Turn off the burner. Don鈥檛 remove the lid until it is completely cool. Never pour water on a grease fire and never discharge a fire extinguisher onto a pan fire, as it can spray or shoot burning grease around the kitchen, thus spreading the fire.

Fire Prevention Videos:

If a Fire Occurs:

If there is an oven fire, turn off the heat and keep the door closed to prevent flames from burning you and your clothing. Call Safety and Security immediately @ 845-575-3282

In the event you encounter an unwanted or uncontrolled fire you are directed to follow the following steps and they are:

Rescue and relocate anyone in immediate danger
Activate the fire Alarm system and call Safety and security @ 845-575-3282
Confine/contain the fire if possible by closing the door
Evacuate immediately

If you discover or suspect a dangerous condition (such as a fire), or if a fire alarm sounds:

  • Evacuate the building using the nearest unaffected exit.
  • Close the door to the affected area, if able to do so safely.
  • DO NOT attempt to correct the condition or fight a fire unless you have been trained to do so.
  • If the building鈥檚 fire alarm is not sounding, activate it by use of the nearest fire alarm pull station鈥f you are able to do so safely. If you are not able to do that, attempt to verbally sound the alarm and knock on doors as you evacuate the building
  • DO NOT use elevators
  • Assist the physically impaired. If they are unable to exit without using an elevator, find a safe location near a stairwell and immediately inform Safety & Security or the responding Fire Department personnel of the individual鈥檚 location.
  • Move far away from the building to place yourself out of danger and to allow emergency responders to arrive and conduct operations, if necessary
  • Dial 911 immediately and then notify the Office of Safety & Security by dialing x5555 from any campus phone, or if using a cell phone call (845) 471-1822, and inform authorities of the situation and your location
  • DO NOT re-enter the building for any reason until given clearance to do so from the Office of Safety & Security or another emergency responder on the scene.

You may encounter friends or associates who are finding it difficult to deal with, and navigate, the many demands and stresses of college life. It is important that each of us be able to recognize the symptoms of such distress, and be willing to help our friends and fellow students who may need assistance. You should never ignore the signs of distress and should always take steps to help those in need. It is always best to notify someone who has professional training and experience in helping persons in distress; such as an RA, the counseling center, security personnel, etc.

If you are in contact with a student who appears to be an immediate threat to his or her own safety or that of others, call the Office of Safety & Security at 845-575-3282.

Recognize Symptoms

  • Significant change in academic performance or classroom conduct
  • Unusual behavior or appearance
  • Traumatic event or change in relationships
  • Reference to suicide, homicide, or death

Respond to the Student

  • Speak privately with student
  • Directly and candidly discuss your observations and concerns
  • Offer support and assistance

Refer to a Mental Health Professional at the Counseling Center

  • Be caring, firm, and straight-forward in your referral
  • Consider calling from your room/office or escorting the student to the Counseling Center

Consult with On-Campus Resources

Discuss your concerns about a student with any of the following on campus resources:

  • Counseling Center (845) 575-3314
  • Department of Spiritual Life and Service (845) 575-3000, ext. 2275
  • Student Health Center (845) 575-3270
  • Office of Safety & Security 845-575-3282
  • Student Affairs (845) 575-3517

Disruptive, Threatening, or Violent Persons

澳门六合彩app does not tolerate acts or threats of disruptive behavior and/or physical violence that involve or affect the College community, including intimidation, harassment and/or coercion.

  • Disruptive behavior is inappropriate behavior that interferes with the functioning and flow of the workplace. Examples include yelling, using profanity, waving arms or fists, verbally abusing others, and refusing reasonable requests for identification.
  • Threatening behavior includes physical actions short of actual contact/injury (e.g., moving closer aggressively), oral or written threats to people or property (鈥淵ou better watch your back鈥 or 鈥淚鈥檒l get you鈥) as well as implicit threats (鈥淵ou鈥檒l be sorry鈥 or 鈥淭his isn鈥檛 over鈥).
  • Violent behavior includes any physically aggressive act (e.g., poking, shoving, hitting), with or without weapons; as well as behavior that a reasonable person would interpret as being aggressive or violent (e.g., throwing things, pounding on a desk or door, or destroying property).

Below is a list of signs that may be indicators of disruptive behavior. If you observe a pattern or change in behavior and attitude that causes you concern, it is important to take some sort of action.

  • Repetitive verbal abuse, including sarcasm or poor relationship with customers, co-workers, supervisors, or others
  • Very controlling
  • Blaming others for problems in life or work; being suspicious, holding grudges
  • Persistent complaining
  • Challenging or resisting authority
  • Destruction of college property
  • Becoming unusually upset over recent event(s) (work or personal crisis)
  • Withdrawing from normal activities, family, friends, and co-workers
  • Making a major change in lifestyle, demeanor, or appearance

How to Respond to Disruptive Behavior

If you experience any generally disruptive or threatening behavior, you should report it as soon as possible. You can speak with your RA/RD, or you can call the Office of Safety & Security.

However, if the behavior is violent and/or aggressive and you believe it represents an immediate threat of harm, dial 911 or call the Office of Safety & Security at 845-575-3282 immediately.

Marist condemns and prohibits sexual assault, rape and other forms of non-consensual sexual activities as well as dating & domestic violence, and stalking. These offenses violate the student code of conduct, New York State laws, and Federal laws, which are referred to as Title IX. The College does its utmost to prevent sexual violence through education and safety precautions, and to provide support and appropriate services to any student involved in an incident of sexual misconduct or interpersonal violence.

Acts of sexual misconduct may be committed by any person upon any other person, regardless of the sex, gender, sexual orientation and/or gender identity of those involved. Violations include sexual harassment (unwelcome sexual gender-based verbal, written, online and/or physical conduct), sexual exploitation (taking non-consensual or abusive sexual advantage of another), non-consensual sexual contact (any intentional sexual touching without affirmative consent or by force), and non-consensual sexual intercourse (any sexual penetration without affirmative consent or by force). These actions can cause personal trauma physically, emotionally, and mentally.
If sexual misconduct or interpersonal violence occurs, the college strongly encourages the survivor/victim to consider the following:

  • Reporting - Report the incident to any of the following non-confidential resources: Safety & Security, Housing and Residential Life, Student Affairs or Student Conduct, or a confidential resource: Counseling Center, Health Services, or Campus Ministry. Anyone can always report directly to a 澳门六合彩app Title IX official. Please see the 澳门六合彩app Title IX website at /title-ix/ for the differences between confidential and non-confidential resources and instructions on how to file a report with the Title IX Office at 澳门六合彩app.
  • Get Medical Attention - Contact Health Services or a local hospital. Not all injuries or exposures to disease are immediately apparent, and evidence needs to be collected in the event criminal charges are pursued
  • Preserve Evidence - To preserve evidence, victims should avoid showering, washing, hanging clothes, combing hair, drinking, eating, or doing anything to alter physical appearance until after a physical exam has been completed.
  • Notify Law Enforcement - Victims have the right to notify local law enforcement, or the New York State Police, and the campus can assist in notifying law enforcement if the victim chooses. Victims may also choose to decline to notify law enforcement.
  • Get Emotional Support - Confidential assistance and counseling are available on campus through the Counseling Center and the office of Campus Ministry, or through off-campus resources as well.

The most important thing to understand is that there are a myriad of options available to help you in response to any form of sexual misconduct or interpersonal violence. If you just want to speak with someone confidentially, you can do that. If you want to file a formal report with the College and receive emotional support that is your choice as well. You can choose to file a police report, or not. If you are not sure what you want to do, there are people available who can help you sort things out. You can contact 澳门六合彩app Title IX officials by phone at (845) 575-3799 or by e-mail at for assistance.

Respond to a Bomb Threat

General Instructions:

  • If possible, have another person monitor the bomb threat call.
  • Keep the caller on the line and talk as long as possible.
  • Complete as much of the below information as possible.
  • Ask the caller to repeat the message.
  • Report the call immediately to Marist Security at Ext. 5555 or (845) 471-1822鈥 Follow instructions!
  • Do not touch suspicious packages. Be sure to report any suspicious packages, items, or persons in the area.

Questions to Ask:

  • When is bomb going to explode?
  • Where is it right now?
  • What does it look like?
  • What kind of bomb is it?
  • What will cause it to explode?
  • How many bombs are there?
  • Did you place the bomb? Why?
  • Who placed the bomb? Why?
  • What is your address?
  • What is your name?
  • To the best of your ability, try to remember the exact wording of threat.

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security recommends that you quickly determine the most reasonable way to protect your own life. Students and visitors are likely to follow the lead of employees during an active shooter situation.
1 - Run:

  • If you can get out鈥O IT NOW! Do not hesitate!
  • Don鈥檛 wait for others.
  • Have an escape route and plan in mind.
  • Leave your belongings behind.
  • Keep your hands visible.

2 - Hide:

  • Hide in an area out of the shooter鈥檚 view. If possible, avoid trapping yourself.
  • Block entry to your hiding place and lock the doors.
  • Turn off the lights and be quiet.
  • If two or more鈥pread out and develop a plan.

3 - Fight:

  • This is a last resort and only use when your life is in imminent danger.
  • Attack aggressively鈥O NOT HESITATE!
  • Attempt to incapacitate the active shooter. Throw things, yell, or use improvised weapons.

4 - When Law Enforcement Arrives:

  • Remain calm and follow instructions.
  • Raise hands and spread fingers.
  • Avoid quick movements, pointing, and yelling.
  • Remember that they do not know who the shooter is.

Call 911 when it is safe to do so.

鈥淪heltering-in-Place鈥 provides protection from external hazards, minimizes the chance of injury and/or provides the time necessary to allow for a safe evacuation. This should be done by selecting a small interior room, if possible, with no windows or as few windows as possible. When authorities issue directives to shelter-in-place, take refuge indoors immediately, do not go outdoors.

A shelter-in-place order may be issued for several reasons:

  • Active shooter incident
  • Severe weather
  • Hazardous materials
  • Civil unrest
  • Hostage situation

Or any situation where it is best to stay where you are to avoid any outside threat.

When you are directed to shelter in place, take the following actions:

  • Remain calm.
  • Stay where you are. Do not go outside under any circumstances. There are no exceptions to a shelter-in-place directive.
  • If you are outside, seek shelter in the closest building to you and do not leave the building until directed by police or security, or until an 鈥渁ll clear鈥 is issued.
  • Faculty should recommend to students and others not to leave and stay inside.
  • Close and lock all windows, exterior doors, and any other openings that lead to the outside.
  • Stay away from all windows and doors.
  • Select interior room(s) above the ground floor with the fewest windows or air vents.
  • If necessary, depending on the situation, try to block the door with heavy furniture items, shut off lights, silence all cell phones, and remain calm and quiet.

Power Outage

  • Turn off all appliances and devices (e.g. stoves, gas burners, heaters, computers, etc.).
  • Secure all work and experiments.
  • Immediately notify your supervisor.
  • Do not use flammable materials until power is restored.
  • Evacuate the building if you are notified to do so.

Safety Near Downed Power Lines

Downed power lines can carry and electric current strong enough to cause serious injury or even death. Electricity wants to move from a high voltage zone to a low voltage zone 鈥 it could do that through your body.

  • If you see a downed power line, move away from it and anything touching it. The ground around power lines may be energized. Call 911 immediately. Central Hudson will be dispatched to take care of the problem and emergency responders will also be notified.
  • Stay at least 30 feet away from the downed lines. The proper way to move away from the power line is to shuffle with small steps, keeping your feet together as close as possible and on the ground at all times.
  • Do not attempt to move a downed power line or anything else in contact with it by using an object such as a broom or stick.
  • You should assume that all downed power lines are live.
  • If you see someone who is in direct or indirect contact with the downed line, do not touch the person. Call 911 for help.
  • Be careful not to touch or step in water near where a downed power line is located.
  • Do not drive over downed power lines.
  • If your car comes in contact with a downed power line while you are inside, stay in the car.

People Trapped in Elevators

  • Use the emergency telephone in the elevator or push the alarm button.
  • Do not attempt to rescue trapped people or escape from an elevator.
  • Wait for help and remain calm until help arrives.

Responding to Large Chemical Spills

  • Dial 911 immediately and then notify the Office of Safety & Security by dialing 5555 from any campus phone, or if using a cell phone call 845-575-32822, and inform authorities of the situation and your location.
  • Do not attempt to clean up the spill.
  • Remove yourself and others from the area.
  • Close doors to isolate the area.
  • Turn off ignition and heat sources if spilled material is flammable.
  • If anyone had contact with the hazardous material, they should be isolated and await treatment by emergency personnel. Do not leave the site until you are cleared by emergency responders.
  • Do not pull the fire alarm unless there is a fire.
  • Evacuate the building if first responders issue the evacuation order.
  • DO NOT re-enter the building for any reason until given clearance to do so from the Office of Safety & Security or another emergency responder on the scene.

Flooding or Water Break

  • Stop using all electrical devices if flooding occurs.
  • Contact Physical Plant at ext. 2255 during business hours or Safety and Security after hours at ext. 2282
  • Move electrical devices off floors, including power strips, etc.
  • Avoid direct contact with wet surfaces, since flood waters may have become contaminated (e.g. raw sewage, oil, gasoline, etc.) when leaking into buildings or may be electrically charged.
  • Evacuate the flooded area if you feel you are in danger or if you are notified to do so.

Gas Leak

  • Immediately stop all operations and evacuate the area, notifying other occupants/visitors as you leave.
  • Do not take time to close doors or switch lights on or off.
  • Do no reenter the building until notified by Safety & Security or other authorized personnel.
  • Call Campus Security 845-575-3282 from a campus phone.

During an Earthquake

If indoors:

  • Stay indoors. Most injuries occur from falling debris while trying to evacuate.
  • Take cover under a table, bench, or desk, and hold on or go to an interior wall or hallway.
  • Keep clear of windows that may break and furniture or large objects that could fall over.
  • If an evacuation is necessary, the fire alarm system will be activated.
  • Do not attempt to evacuate until the shaking has stopped.
  • Use the stairwell, do not use the elevators.

If outdoors:

  • Stay outdoors.
  • Move to an open area away from trees, buildings, utility poles, and signs.

If in an elevator:

  • Remain calm. Use the emergency telephone in the elevator and push the alarm button to report your situation to Safety & Security, who will respond to your call as quickly as possible.
  • Don鈥檛 attempt to rescue trapped people or escape from the elevator.

After an Earthquake

  • Await further instructions from the Marist Alerts system.
  • Monitor a NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) Weather Radio or their website at

Weather Emergencies

MaristAlerts will be used for institutional delays and closing due to severe weather conditions and/or life safety emergencies.


  • A tornado watch is issued by the National Weather Service when tornadoes are possible in the area.
  • A tornado warning is issued by the National Weather Service when a tornado has been sighted, or indicated by weather radar, in the area.
  • Stay inside until danger has passed.
  • Seek shelter on the lowest building level, interior rooms or hallways with interior walls. Use interior spaces with short spans. Stairwells, bathrooms and closets are good spots.
  • Put as many walls as possible between you and the exterior of building.
  • Avoid windows and doors with glass panels.
  • Stay away from entrances. All doors around a shelter area should be closed and secured during a tornado warning.
  • Avoid areas where chemicals are stored. Chemicals and cleaning supplies should be removed from areas designated for shelter use.
  • Unsecured items (shelving, supplies, wall lockers, etc.) should either be secured or removed from shelter areas.
  • Wait for 鈥渁ll clear鈥 by College officials.

Area of Refuge

An Area of Refuge is a location in a building designed to hold occupants during a fire or other emergency, when evacuation may not be safe or possible.

If you are not able to exit the building, you should move to the building鈥檚 Area of Refuge and then immediately call Safety and Security at (845) 471-1822 and/or 911. Notify them of your location inside the building. Many buildings have a signed and designated Areas of Refuge.

If possible, close any doors to the room and block the bottom of the door with a wet towel to prevent smoke from entering. Identify your location by hanging clothing outside a window. Remain in room until rescue personnel arrive.

An Area of Refuge should have the following criteria:

  • An enclosed area, preferably with fire rated doors and walls.
  • A campus telephone, if possible.
  • Located in close proximity to exits, stairwells, or other access points for rescue personnel.
Buildings Meeting Location
Science and Allied Health Building South end adjacent to bridge
Boat House North of building on River Sidewalk
Byrne East of building on green*
Champagnat Hall East of building on green*
Chapel North of building on green*
Donnelly Flagpole
Dyson Northwest of building on green*
Fontaine South of building on green*
Foy Townhouses A-C East of building on green*
Greystone North of building front of Library
Grounds Department North of building
Hancock Center Academic quad (east side) on green*
Leo Hall East of building on green*
Library East of building on green*
Lowell Thomas Southeast of building on green*
Lower Fulton Townhouses 9-15 Across the quad, away from the affected building
Lower Townhouses J-M South of building on campus green*
Lower West Cedar N-S Across the quad, away from the affected building
Maintenance Workshop South of building on green*
Marian Hall South of building on green
McCann Center East of building on green (practice field)
Midrise Campus green*
Murray Student Center East of building on green*
Tom and Mary Ward Hall Across road, between Lavelle Hall and John and Nancy O'Shea Hall
Lavelle Hall Quad area south of building on green*
John and Nancy O'Shea Hall Quad area north of building on green*
McCormick Hall Quad area north of building on green*
Saint Ann's South of building on green*
Saint Peter's South of building on green*
Sheahan Hall North of building on green*
Steel Plant South of building on green
51 Fulton South of building on green*
Talmadge Court North of buildings on green*
Upper Fulton Townhouses 1-8 Quad area on green*
Upper New Townhouses H-I West of building on green
Upper West Cedar T-Y Quad area on green *
69 West Cedar South end of building

*If snow exists, please locate the closest sidewalk that does not impede responding fire trucks.